Welcome to HTML

This guide will introduce you to the world of HTML. It will teach you how to read, write, and comprehend HTML. In the process, it will also help you think about code, software and other technical things that are concealed from our day-to-day interactions with technical interfaces. These thoughts will hopefully lead to more thinking about art, methods, and how we go about studying and doing things in our very media saturated environments. At the end of this guide, you will have designed a static web page.


The guide is designed to help all levels of expertise. This is to say, you can use this if this is the first time you’ve heard of HTML, have a rough idea and would like to know more, need a refresher, are an absolute expert, or just curious about what’s going on here. You only need a laptop or desktop computer, basic typing skills, and a text editor like notepad or WordPad (available on every computer for free!) to get started.

The guide also has a long list of resources: tutorials, videos, zines, to help you further develop these newly acquired HTML skills. This list is in no way exhaustive or definitive. For everything that’s listed here, there’s a gazillion more just a search or prompt away. This guide just nudges you in the right direction, so you know what to look for, check if it is accurate, know how to fix it, and make it work for your own requirements. Let’s get started!

Tech requirements